Filer Non Filer Tax Rates Unveiled: Big Tax Rebates for Filers

non filer tax rates

No one is willing to pay the elevated tax rates. With beingfiler, stop worrying about paying higher tax rates. Beingfiler is serving the people to get rid of higher tax rates as non filers and helping them to become registered tax filers. Just forget about fulfilling the lengthy requirements and paperwork to become a registered tax filer. You just need to call or email and let us efficiently and professionally complete the rest of the task to make you active on the FBR Active Tax Filer List and enjoy the benefits of lower tax rates as a filer.

Advantages of a Tax Filer over a Non Filer

  • Tax filers enjoy reduced tax rates compared to non-filers and most of these taxes are double in rate of filers
  • Filers can benefit from tax adjustments and exemptions, avoiding legal complications while non filers don’t have the same.
  • Filing taxes supports a documented economy, contributing to national prosperity and stability, while non filers are knowingly or unknowingly facilitating tax aversion and black economy.

For the sake of understanding of a common man, a person who files his tax returns for the tax year to FBR is recognized as a filer and the person who doesn’t do that is called a non filer. A filer appears as an active taxpayer on FBR’s ATL.

The status of a filer can be checked by its CNIC or NTN on the FBR portal. As FBR has imposed different rates of taxes on the filers and non filers, and often non filer pays at least 2 times of the tax being charged to registered taxpayers of filer like buying an immovable property like a plot or house or purchasing a motor vehicle. For example, buying a property of Rs.10M will cost a tax of Rs.200,000 to the filer while Rs.700,000 to non filer.

indirect tax grocery
indirect tax grocery

Similarly, the filer can take benefit of tax adjustments for the immovable property and vehicle purchase transactions already conducted in the tax year. The tax exempted non-residents can also take advantage of tax adjustments being a filer. The said facility is not available to non filers.

Filer Vs Non Filer Tax Rates 2023-24

In the budget for the financial year 2023-24, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has announced the new tax rate for filer and non filer. These rates are detailed as under:

Filing Tax Returns, being a filer is a civic responsibility

Filing tax returns is the primary obligation of every citizen. By filing your return, you are not only discharging your obligation but also playing the role of improving a documented economy and contributing to the prosperity and stability of the country. Being a tax filer, you can simply avoid the high tax rates and enjoy the benefits as a filer and avoid FBR tax notices, legal inquiries, and action by law enforcement agencies.

Be a filer today with

Being a filer is just a call or email away, contact us, and we shall help you become a filer and enjoy the benefits of a lower tax rate. Trust and be comfortable with


Effective July 1, 2023, as per the new rule if you are buying property and you are not a tax filer, you will now be charged a higher rate of 10.5 percent while the filer’s rate is unchanged at 3 percent. This change aims to magnify that property transactions are taxed at higher rates to non-filers.

As per the Financial Act 2023, an adjustable advance tax of 0.6% applies to cash withdrawals above Rs.50,000/- in a day by non-filers.

Late-filers or those who haven’t filed their taxes in time and may incur a penalty. The penalty is 0.1% of the tax payable for each day of delay, with a minimum penalty of Rs. 5,000 and a maximum penalty capped at 25% of the tax payable.

According to government policy, filers are taxed at 15% of the prize value, while non-filers face a tax rate of 30% on the prize value which is double the tax applicable to filers.


You will get so many advantages of tax filing through Beingfiler. As elaborated above in detail, there are substantial differences in tax rates for filers and non-filers. The taxation services offered by Beingfiler help in the transition from non-filer to filer status, enabling individuals to enjoy lower tax rates and associated benefits. We encourage readers to view tax filing as a civic duty, contributing to a documented economy, and avoiding legal repercussions. Overall, we suggest that becoming a tax filer through Beingfiler is a straightforward and beneficial step toward financial well-being.

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