Tax Calulator 2024-25 by beingfiler

Calculate your tax with beingfiler free latest tax calculator 2024-25.

Income Tax Calculator 2024 – 25


Gross Salary
Income Tax
Net Salary After Tax

Beigfiler is a tax consultation company offering state-of-the-art tax planning and consultancy services. We offer a wide range of tax services from enabling you to be a tax filer by preparing your accurate tax returns, firm and company registration, registration of Sales Tax, Patent, trademark, and copyright. Approach us here.

Calculate your Salary Income Tax for the FY 2024-25

beingfiler has developed a simple and easy-to-use tax calculator for free that automatically calculates the tax amount for your income. Tax calculator 2024-25 provides the accurate calculation as per current FBR taxation rules for the financial year 2024-25.

The tool is properly updated, as per changes in tax rates, rules, and regulations by the Government of Pakistan.

All new changes in the tax rates for the FY 2024-25 have been incorporated in the income tax calculator Pakistan, which accurately calculates the tax amount for the current financial year as per FBR Govt of Pakistan rules.

Best Tax Calcuation Tool for FY 2024-25

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Calcuating tax is just a click away, get your tax calcuated instantly.
Abdul Waheed Baig
CEO Al Waheed Law Associates

Caluculating Tax is easier than before

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Tax Calcuations is just a click away from your monthly salary, recommended.
Muhammad Tayyab
CEO Business Tax Consultants

User Freindlier Tool to Calculate Tax

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Found this tool very useful and user freindler for the salary tax calcuations.
Muhammad Salman
CEO Tax Hub

New Tax Rates 2024-25 for Salaried Class

Notably, a new tax slab is introduced for applying higher tax rates on salaried classes having annual income above 2,200,000 as compared to FY 2023-24. The maximum tax rate slab of 35% is also reduced to 4,100,000 from 6,000,000 in FY 2023-24.

10% Additional Surcharge for High-Income Class

For the high-income class with a monthly salary above Rs.833,333 an additional surcharge of 10% will also be added in addition to the monthly tax amount.

About Tax Calculator and Beingfiler

tax calculator 2024-25

The tool is developed by the beingfiler team enabling people to accurately calculate the applicable income tax for the salaried class.

If you are looking for the best taxation consultants in Pakistan, you are at the right place, visit us at beingfiler.