National Job Portal (NJP) : GoP’s Young Development Fellow Programme for Youth Empowerment- Deadline April 30, 2024

NJP stands for National Job Portal, a state-of-the-art initiative by Govt. Of Pakistan, recently introduced under the umbrella of the Digital Transformation of Pakistan. The job seekers across the country may search for a job of their choice, apply online, and get a job in the public sector.
The excellent design of the online job portal provides the opportunity for job seekers to easily search for a job in the current job openings and apply for the desired job in just a few clicks.
On the National Job Portal, the jobs are posted via a well-defined information technology system enabling employers to hire the right people of their choice purely on merit.
The young generation is invited to shape the future of Pakistan through meaningful contributions to Public Policy
Planning Commission’s YDF – Youth Development Fellow Program offers the opportunity to candidates to get real world experience in Public Policy Making.
Eligibility Criteria for the Young Development Fellow Programme
The young passionate Pakistani under the age of 30 with the aim to make a meaningful contribution to the national development of Pakistan with the following characteristics should apply with confidence.
- Should have a Bachelor/Master/Ph.D degree from a leading national or international university in the last 2 years
- Strong Analytical and Communications Skills
- Solid Understanding of your domain
Youth Development Fellow Programme by Planning Commission GoP
How to Apply for a Job on the National Job Portal (NJP)

Scheme Criteria and Deadline
The student meeting the defined criteria of the scheme can apply for the scheme with confidence. Only limited slots are available
The last date for submission of the online applications is April 30, 2024.

Major Areas of Fellowships under YDF
What’s New for the Job Seekers at the National Job Portal
The National Job is a state of the art job portal providing the job seekers with an easy to use, well designed job portal for the public sector job openings with the following key elements.
- Signup facility for registration of New Job Seekers
- Login Facility for existing users
- Completion of Resume/CV
- A unique search facility for a related job in a particular domain
- Applying for the required job
- List of Available Job Openings
- A list of NJP-associated employers
- Job categories as per Field of Experience, Basic Pay Scale or Grade, and City
- List of employers who are currently hiring people
- Run Time Statistics of Available and upcoming Vacancies, employers hiring, CVs submitted, and previous openings

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The youth has a very good opportunity to play a role in shaping the public policy for Pakistan. With this fellowship programme a candidate would have a chance to get an opportunity to prove his abilities and skills to contribute in resolving the challenges faced by Pakistan.
The youth must take part in the fellowship program and must contribute for the progress and to shape a brighter future of Pakistan.
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